George Bernard Shaw once said the reasonable man adapts himself to the world, the unreasonable man adapts the world to himself. All progress depends on the unreasonable man.
Mandela was an unreasonable man when he challenged the status quo's Apartheid system, and he was sentenced to 27 years in jail for it. Gandhi and Sukarno both refused to accept the normal situation of their day, both respectively tried to get rid of a colonial ruler, and as a backlash both were sent to prison numerous times.
Ahok is also an unreasonable man, who tries to make many positive changes in a bleak and very corrupted environment.
The fact that he had 70% approval ratings just months ago from the work he has done, but sentenced to 2 years in prison for blasphemy today, is a true testament on how strong (and effective) the corrupted power behind the black campaigns is.
Regardless of all the possible theories or political strategies behind this move, the simple fact remains: what little faith I had in the Indonesian justice system before, it's all gone now.
Further readings:
The Guardian view on blasphemy in Indonesia: exploiting religion for political purposes [The Guardian / Editorial]
Watchdog warns of 'frightening' future for Indonesia after Ahok case [Asian Correspondence]
Harus diakui, hakim bekerja dibawah tekanan gelombang massa [Kompas / Fabian Januarius Kuwado]
Ahok’s satisfied non-voters: an anatomy [New Mandala / Marcus Mietzner and Burhanuddin Muhtadi]
Anti-Ahok protests: why were Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah sidelined? [The University of Melbourne / Ahmad Syarif Syechbubakr]
A sad reality: radical Islamic groups are the new kingmakers of Indonesian politics [The New York Times / Eka Kurniawan]
Cerita Ibnu Muljam, sangat pas utk menggambarkan para oknum yg dibayar utk menangin pilkada DKI [NU Kita]
Anies Sandi menggunakan Mesjid untuk kalahkan Ahok Djarot? [BBC Indonesia]
The Fall of Ahok and Indonesia's Future [The Diplomat / Nithin Coca]
The rise of intolerance: Indonesia has been mercifully resistant to extremism—until now [The Economist]
It's not who won the election, but HOW they won it [Time / Yenni Kwok]
Trump's Indonesian allies in bed with ISIS-backed militia seeking to oust elected president [The Intercept / Allan Nairn]